Our site typically displays sizes in inches, but if select millimeters you can search our sizes in metrics. Here is a direct link to our search tool (metrics) below:
The size you require is small, but it should be fine if you are just trying to put some simple text on the label. You can check out our closest standard size at the link below:
25.4mm x 12.7mm Labels
We have several special order sizes that are very close to your requirements. These special order items will be more expensive than the standard items (there is also a 100 sheet minimum), but you will find something that almost exactly meets your size requirements.
19.05mm x 12.7mm Labels
http://www.onlinelabels.com/OL1997.htm?measureunit=metric19.05mm x 12.7mm Labels
http://www.onlinelabels.com/OL690.htm?measureunit=metricI am not sure where you are located, but I assume that you are outside of the USA. You may also want to visit our UK site where we offer A4 size sheets in a variety of sizes. We can also do custom configurations.
Dave C.