Originally Posted by: jennydiego1 
OMG this "Upgrade" is maddening to say the least.
I would like to know if your IT department even tested it before it was put into effect. If so, they would have saw all the problems all of us have had.
Why wasn't an email sent to all the users/ existing customers of online labels to let us know that this was happening and it had so many bugs so we could be prepared?
Do we have a choice to go back to the old format?
I have been using your products for 5 years. It has taken me that long to "master" Maestro software and get my extensive catalog of designs where I wanted them. Not too mention the countless hours, amount of supplies and ink to get them to line up when printing. I have created a successful business that is now practically impossible to do without recreating 5 years of work all due to your "upgrade." I always questioned how much I should be relying on a free online label design software but kept coming back to it over Adobe due to its templates and the somewhat easier ability to align my designs on your labels.
I don't know where to begin...
1) None of my fonts are opening.
2) All of my designs I have spent years getting just right need to be started over from scratch.
3) None of my designs are correctly printing on center.
I wish this "Upgrade" would have been tested properly and your customers would have been given the option to "Upgrade."
I apologize for the issues that you are experiencing. There was hundreds of hours of testing on the new version of Maestro Label Designer before it was launched. Most of the issues in the new Maestro Label Designer version stem from the fact that the new version is browser dependent whereas the prior version depended on Adobe Flash. The browser dependency has an impact on the consistency of the designs across different browsers / computers. We know this definitely impacts some old designs in terms of text placement.
There will definitely be some variation in text placement depending on the browser that you are using. I will need to get a more in-depth details from you in order to properly troubleshoot the issues that you are experiencing.
The legacy version of Maestro Label Designer is still available. You can use it at the link below. Our plan is to have the legacy version running for the next few months (we don't have a definitive time for its shutdown yet since our plan is to make sure that we resolve as many issues as possible in the new version).
I will need further details on the specific issues that you are experiencing in order to trouble shoot them. Can you please submit details to us via our ticket system at the link below? Please let us know details on your browser version and operating system. Can you also explain what you mean when you say that none of your fonts are opening? Do you not see them listed in Maestro Label Designer? Can you provide us with the name of one of your saved designs that is printing off-center so we can take a look at it?
Thanks for your patience. We are definitely happy to work with you until we find resolution to all the issues that you are experiencing.
Dave C.