Hello, is it possible for Maestro Label Designer to support accents in fonts ?
For example, the Czech language uses accent for letters (ř,č,š,ě, etc.) When I create a label and I write such a letter with a hook, a comma, it does not appear correctly.
I have already written to support but so far no change.
I have installed an add-on for Google Chrome browser (an add-on that retrieves custom fonts from the computer
(Maestro Label Designer Font Finder)

My fonts from my computer it loads but as I wrote above...
some letters are still displayed wrong. I also tried another browser - Edge, I use Windows 11 but the same problem was also on Windows 10.
I also tried to work on Mac but without result, the same problem everywhere.
Here is a photo of the problem,i use a font from Google Fonts - Open Sans.
From Maestro Label Designer (bad font accent display)

From Adobe Illustrator (correct font accent display)

Thank you very much for your help, also in the future I would like to be able to insert directly into the editor images in .svg format (each image now I have to laboriously convert to pdf and insert it into the editor.